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Our Policies

What your Liberal team will deliver for our
Hunters Hill community

We are dedicated to the people and community of Hunters Hill. From footpaths to our villages, we will always put the community's best interests first. Learn more about our policies below.

Supporting our Villages

Maintain and enhance Hunters Hill, Boronia Park, Gladesville, Woolwich and Garibaldi Villages to make sure they are vibrant and engaging for all in our community.
We will:

  • Deliver a new library and new community spaces adjoining the upgraded Figtree Park 

  • Provide better recreation opportunities for young families, including a new all-abilities play space for Henley at Gladesville Reserve  

  • Deliver community masterplans for Gladesville, Boronia Park and Hunters Hill Villages

  • Ensure improved access to public transport and our walking and cycling network

  • Provide cleaner, greener and more accessible pedestrian spaces

  • Trial more outdoor dining opportunities for our local businesses

Improved Transparency and Governance

Improve the community’s access to council and ensure open and transparent decision making. 
We will:

  • Build a strong budget to safeguard Hunters Hill’s long-term future and continue to balance the books 

  • Ensure transparency in council along with robust community consultation

  • Demonstrate that Hunters Hill Council is Fit for the Future

  • Continue to fight against unwanted densification being proposed by the NSW Labor Governments housing targets

  • Reintroduce the annual community survey 

  • Ensure better accountability and engagement with our community on the big issues

Support our Sporting Groups

Build long overdue infrastructure for our sporting clubs- Hunter Hill Rugby, All Saints Football, Hunter Hill Sailing Club, Pirates Cricket and Ravens Netball.
We will:

  • Deliver new community facilities at Riverglade Reserve improving access and amenity, new change rooms, bathrooms and community space 

  • Continue to improve local participation in women’s sport through the provision of better changerooms and facilities

  • Provide new basketball courts within the Hunters Hill LGA

  • Upgrade the skate park in Gladesville Reserve

  • Upgrade the storage and access to the water for the Hunters Hill Sailing Club 

  • Bring the AFL to Buffalo Creek Reserve as a competition-grade ground

Improving Road and School Safety 

With so many local schools it is important that we make sure access and safety are prioritised.

We will:

  • Stop the rat runs that bring traffic and congestion issues to our local streets 

  • Advocate for protective pedestrian fencing for the students at Boronia Park Public and Hunters Hill High School

  • Guarantee the provision of lollipop safety officers for Boronia Park and Hunters Hill Public School’s

  • Increase street lighting and upgrade 100% of our streetlights network to LED

  • Provide increased drop off spaces at Hunters Hill Public School and Marist Sisters to improve peak morning traffic on the Peninsula

  • Developing a funding program to get the job done and deal with the backlog of works.  

Protect our Heritage and Built Environment

Ensure that the heritage and character of Hunters Hill are maintained and enhanced through design principles and protections under the our planning rules. 
We will:

  • Include Design Excellence measures into councils planning and DA processes to ensure better development 

  • Restore the Priory and plan for the future of the Gladesville Hospital heritage precinct to preserve this special space for the future

  • Ensure transparent decision-making and better online tracking of our DA processes

Creating Better Parks and Public Spaces

Hunters Hill is spoilt with some of the most unique public spaces in Sydney- let’s make sure they are accessible and maintained. 

We will:

  • Improve access to the foreshore with new access points at Riverglade Reserve, Bedlam Bay and Gladesville Reserve 

  • Improve public access to bushwalks and walking trails around Hunters Hill 

  • Deliver upgrades to the Henley Community Centre improving access and public use of the space

Protect our Unique Environment

Ensure Hunters Hill’s commitment to lessening our impact on the environment and protecting our natural  bushland.
 We will:

  • Commit to reaching 40% tree canopy cover for our municipality

  • Adopt harsher penalties and prosecutions for illegal tree poisonings on public land. 

  • Double our commitment to plant 2000 new trees in the Hunters Hill LGA 

  • Improve access to Return and Earn recycling machines with new locations 

  • Provide a food recycling programme to reduce food waste in landfill  

  • Deliver councils green energy commitments and net zero target 

  • Increase solar installations in public buildings- beginning with the new Boronia Park Community Facility



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