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Im the Community

We live in a vibrant and unique part of Sydney- our oldest garden suburb. Hunters Hill cherishes the value of our shared place, our heritage and the environment. If you would like to know more about what we have brought to council outside of the ordinary business brought up at meetings, please see the below timeline. 


Our Track Record:


  • Live streaming of council meetings- Motion put and carried at October 2017 meeting 

  • Moving council workshops and strategy sessions from conference centres and hotels to Council venues to save on unnecessary costs of everyday council business - Motion put and carried at February 2018 meeting (media attached)

  • Providing proper maintenance to the sporting surface at Buffalo Creek Reserve- Motion put and carried at February 2018 meeting 

  • Developing an all-encompassing Masterplan for the future of the Gladesville Village with the residents and the broader community- Motion put and carried at March 2018 meeting 

  • Notice of motion to re-form a Property Committee to look at council’s property assets and in particular determine the future of Figtree Park- Motion put and carried at June 2018 meeting 

  • Motion to investigate options to upgrade Figtree Park including improvement of community facilities, the potential to provide new community facilities, improving parking and pedestrian access, walking and cycling networks within the Hunters Hill Village- Motion put and carried at September 2018 meeting 

  • Notice of Motion to build an all-weather surface on Gladesville Reserve for All Saints Football Club- motion put and carried at March 19 Meeting 

  • Notice of motion to build a Footpath on the Western side of Reiby Road for Hunters Hill High School Students to safely travel to school from the overpass- Motion put and carried at October 2019 meeting

  • Motion to upgrade Woolwich Baths- Motion put and carried at October 2019 meeting

  • Motion supporting BUY A BALE Drought Relief- Motion put and carried at November2019 meeting

  • Motion to establish and support a Rural Assistance Fund- Motion put and carried at November 2019 meeting

  • Motion to Reduce Water Consumption of Hunters Hill Council- Motion put and carried at November 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to form a School Safety Working Party- Motion put and carried at November 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to Release Confidential Business Papers- Motion put and carried at December 2019 meeting

  • Motion to Improve Hunters Hill Public School Drop Off Zone safety- Motion put and carried at February 2020 meeting

  • Motion to Assist in the Koala Habitat Recovery- Motion put and carried at February 2020 meeting

  • Motion to fast-track construction of the pedestrian crossing at the corner of Mark and Mary Street- Motion put and carried at February 2020 meeting

  • Motion to ensure transparency in press communications- Motion put and carried at February 2020 meeting

  • Motion to Audit Tree Canopy Safety in Hunters Hill- Motion put and carried at February 2020 meeting

  • Amendments to the 2021 Council Meeting Schedule- Motion put and carried at November 2020 meeting

  • Motion to review potholes in Boronia Park and attend to their repair- Motion put and carried at April 2021 meeting

  • Motion to encourage more night-time economy in Hunters Hills villages- Motion put and carried at April 2021 meeting


  • Motion to remove parking metres in Buffalo Creek Reserve- Motion defeated at December 2017 meeting 

  • Motion to install CCTV Cameras at Woolwich Baths and at the Hunters Hill Sailing Club to prevent and report on antisocial behaviour and vandalism- Motion defeated at February 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to undertake a review of all infrastructure assets to ensure they are budgeted for and brought up to a satisfactory standard- Motion put and lost at February 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to explore options to build an underground commuter carpark for the Huntleys Point Ferry Wharf, Riverside Girls High School and users of Gladesville Reserve- Motion put and lost at May 19 meeting

  • Motion for Fund the councils infrastructure backlog through an application to T-Corp- Motion put and lost at October 2019 meeting

  • Motion to address pedestrian and commuter safety on Prince Edward Street- Motion put and lost at October 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to re-allocate Mayoral Christmas Function funds to charity- Motion put and lost at November 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to require Children’s Community Groups to adopt a Vaccination Policy- Motion put and lost at November 2019 meeting 

  • Motion to Maintain a Roll of Business Voters- Motion put and lost at February 2020 meeting

  • Motion to improve schedule of works communication- Motion put and lost at February 2020 meeting

  • Motion to Reduce Food Waste in Landfill and implement a domestic ‘Kitchen Caddy’ service into our waste program -Motion put and lost at March 2020 meeting

  • Motion to Investigate Alternative Energy Sources including the use of solar and energy saving technologies/offsets on council run buildings- Motion put and lost at March 2020 meeting

  • Motion to investigate the implementation of a Seniors Parking Scheme in Hunters Hills villages-Motion put and lost at March 2020 meeting

  • Notice of motion for the establishment of an Investment Committee- Motion put and lost at September 2020 meeting

  • Motion to Amend the Model Code of Conduct to make councillors more accountable- Motion put and lost at April 2021 meeting

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